In this case an unaware and, in the etymological meaning of the word, ignorant child hasn’t got the knowledges in order that the subliminal message hits the mark. I repeat: this feautre film’s audience is mostly made up by CHILDREN. What I’m saying now goes for all other messages that involve “666”: they’re not of sexual nature, so they cannot influence children “depraving” and “misguiding” them. This other image should display three 6 in “Walt Disney” sign. This picture represents the famous scene of The Lion King where a bit of dust should set up the writing “SEX” (it’s very quick, as well as very confused, so…) among other things, this has been denied, affirming it was “SFX”, it seems as a homage to a project or something similar (the same goes for other writings “SEX”, like this one). This video should show (“should” is required) a long sequence of messages in the film Beauty and the Beast that are, as you can see, written and imperceptible. But if there are children watching the film, how the fuck do they manage to read the writing “SEX”? This question should be enough to rout any doubt about this kind of subliminal messages, but as you’re going to see they are (admitting that they exist) in the majority imperceptible (and so “useless”, since they could not infiltrate in the mind). Now I ask to whoever sustains this thesis: do you have a clue about what a subliminal message is? Clearly not, because if so you’d know that it’s intended to condition the reader’s mind. First of all, I’d like to introduce a category: written subliminal messages.

Just let me tell you that most of the people who criticize this are contradictory with themselves: in your opinion, Walt Disney’s fables are just some sugary fairy tales, where everyone’s happy and which all have happy ending, something that doesn’t exist this is absolutely false, and as soon as a “sugar-free” moment happens, maybe more serious, maybe wiser, here you complain. In this aritcle I’m demolishing these dissertations (or, at least, I’m trying).įirst of all, I want to specify that this article won’t be about other kinds of criticism towards Disney, namely “creepy” moments, those ones that “aren’t good for a children’s film”. Now, many (too many) people affirm this without almost any knwoledge, but there are some “evidence”. Very many people sustain that in some Disney films, approximately all, there are subliminal messages (mostly of sexual nature, but also of other kinds).